This one is a very special photoshoot. Special because the person I photographed is one of my greatest motivators.

She inspires with the workouts she does and the way she trains people in her gyms, with the information she shares in her books, articles, and social media, and most importantly, with the personal example she sets. I’m happy I had the opportunity to photograph her and today I’m sharing with you some of the shots we created together in one of her gyms.

Ines Subashka – InspiredFitStrong ❤️

Thank you, Ines, for your trust and the fun moments during the photoshoot ❤️

Today I want to show you a few photos from our sport photosession with Rossy Marinova, that we took right after she became a trainer. Ever since then I have been training with her too and I can say that not only she is an amazing person and a friend, but also a great professionalist as a trainer.

It was such a pleasure for me to take these photos of her and I hope you all enjoy them:

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Location: I AM Sports & Recreation Venue

Click on the photos to view them larger:

I know Anastasia for years since the first time she posed for me for a sea photoshoot at sunrise. You can see it here.

I admire her persistance and the results she has and now that she is helping others feel better and look better, it was high time we organised a sport photosession with her at a fitness club. Here are a few shots from that photoshoot, enjoy it:

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Location: R.Fitness Varna

Click on the photos to view them larger:

Today I will show you a few photos from our last photosession with Lubov. It is always such a pleasure for me to take photos of her and even more now when she is expecting her baby. Enjoy it:

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Model: Lubov Ivanova

Click on the photos to view them larger:

Dark Mazda 3

Few shots of Mazda 3 I took on the rooftop of a Mall in Sofia few days ago:

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Click on the photos to view them larger: