Tagged: Деца

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Last autumn I took photos of Emo’s christening in Sofia. He is such a sweet little boy who was hypnotized by the camera. It was as if he was posing for me all the time 🙂

Click on the photos to view them larger:


Photos of christening a baby shot by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Taking advantage of the beautiful autumn weather outside, we decided to take the photoshoot of my colleague Ogi and his family in South Park, Sofia. A lot of smiles and laugh were shared and captured. I hope you like the photos as much as I do:

Stoynevi family photoshoot

Portrait photos of Stoynevi family shot outdoors in Sofia by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

This time my models were two sweet 10-months-old twins – David and Devora. Their christening took place in Veliko Tyrnovo’s cathedral and the afterparty was at Rachev Hotel Residence Arbanasi.

David & Devora

Portrait photos of twins christening shot in Arbanasi by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

I was very happy to take photos of Ivka and her wonderful boys two weeks ago. We decided to have that photoshoot in the sunflowers close to Varna:


Family photoshoot with children shot in Varna by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Two weeks ago we took a lovely photoshoot of Jivko, his wife and their kids. It took place in a park in Velingrad and here is the result of it:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery and make sure you have your flash on the browser enabled:

Jivko's family

Family portrait photos shot in Velingrad by photographer Ilka Antonova

Ema & Rita

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Few years ago I got to take photos of Misho and Jeni’s wedding. You can see our work here:
Now I was so happy to take photos of them together with their sweet little girls:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery:

Ema & Rita

Photos of little girls sisters shot in Sofia by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Little girl with a huuuuuge gorgeous smile coming up from a few-months-old Mia Kalina. We took a few shots of her and her family in the studio and a few outside in the park. Here is the result:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery:

Mia Kalina

Portrait photos of baby Mia Kalina shot in Sofia by photographer Ilka Antonova

Bobi & Petya

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

Double cuteness in the studio! Meet Bobi and Petya who were posing for me in the studio for Baba Marta:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery:

Bobi & Petya

Portrait photos of little girl twins Bobi and Petya shot in studio by photographer Ilka Antonova

Baby Emi

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

I had great time taking photos of this little cutie. Meet baby Emi:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery:

Baby Emi

Portrait photos of baby Emi shot in studio by photographer Ilka Antonova

Photographer: Ilka Antonova
Copyright: www.ilchoni.com

A photoshoot of birthday boy – one-year-old Luchi at his home:

For a better preview of the photos, please click on FS button under the gallery:

Baby Luchi birthday

Portrait photos of birthday baby boy Luchi shot by photographer Ilka Antonova